Title 1
Franklin School of Innovation is a Title I School
How is that money spent?
We use it to purchase technology for students to use, academic materials, and are able to have extra staff to support reading, writing, and math (Interventionist, and 2 extra teachers to lower class-size, full-time counselor, instructional tutors, etc.)
What else does it mean?
It means that parents have the right to request information on teacher's qualifications including their state licensing criteria, their status, their certification, content areas, and the certifications of paraprofessionals, etc.
How can parents be involved?
Parents can join our PTO and there is a Parent/Family Engagement Committee that meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. These committees can have input in our Title I Compact, decisions, etc.
- Parents of all children in all Title 1 schools have the right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their children's classroom teachers.
- Whether the teacher has met state qualifying and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher is teaching.
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or another provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher, and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, including the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
Dana DiTomaso-Junkman, Principal - dana.ditomasojunkman@pueblod60.org
Tara Berg Title I Coordinator - tara.berg@pueblod60.org